Nearly every day, we see or hear sad evidence of yet another moral lapse.
Read MoreSome aspire to greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them, and some chase greatness down a dirt path to nowhere.
Read MoreHaving worn several hats in my years, I have observations about uniforms.
Read MoreLife looks bigger in the distance.
Read MoreMy wife and I have frequent discussions on the relative importance of things in life. Loud discussions. Seriously, what is important in life?
Read MoreI know the healthy thing is to move on. I just can’t.
Read MoreAs the Civil War culminated and Abram Lincoln gathered the spoils of conflict, he advised Union officers regarding the vanquished, “Let ’em up easy.”
Read MoreIn his 1903 production, Man and Superman, George Bernard Shaw wrote, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself…”
Read MoreAs the guests entered, the dog followed.
Read MoreWhen the thing most dreaded is the thing that happens, even the most resilient may despair.
Read MoreI’ve never had much confidence in people who said they remembered exactly what was said about anything.
Read MoreTimes past, I don’t know that I gave much thought to the things I wanted to accomplish before my end of days.
Read MoreI try to pay attention to the leaves every day in spring and fall.
Read MoreWithin each person lies unexpressed potential and unexplained passion.
Read MoreIn our time, we have seen a lessening of loyalty and reliability. This is not all bad.
Read MoreThere is no question that Christ-followers are given a beautiful and bountiful earthly life. Jesus Himself said this was the case.
Read MoreIn Thomas Wolfe’s posthumously-published novel, You Can’t Go Home Again, George Webber ponders, "You can't go back home to your family, back home to your childhood ...
Read MoreYears ago, a friend told me he didn’t like to sleep. A college student at the time, sleep was one of my priorities, and I couldn’t understand (at first) why he, a peer, would say such a thing.
Read MoreI’m great at compartmentalizing. Close the door, turn the page.
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