Where Faith Meets Life

Sunday 10:00am

Wednesday 6:30pm

(online @ Faith View.)


551 Maxwell Street, Cookeville, Tennessee 38501

Services: Sunday 10am and Wednesday 6:30pm



Faith Fellowship embraces principles that motivate and bind us to one another. First, we are committed to loving God and connecting with Him in worship. We do this at worship gatherings. Second, we are committed to loving people and connecting with them in fellowship. We do this at casual events and group meetings.  Third, we are committed to sharing Jesus with the world. We do this through both organized and lifestyle evangelism as intentional strategies.

Our core principles help us observe the two Great Commandments of Scripture, which Jesus defined as loving God and loving others, and the Great Commission, our Lord’s last command to make disciples of all nations and people groups.



Love God, Love People, Share Jesus

Faith Fellowship was founded to benefit our community and build the Kingdom of God. Our vision is to make disciples of Christ through intentional evangelism and meaningful, corporate church life. Through our associations and cooperation with other churches, our vision extends to the entire world.


“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.

Romans 15:20



Faith Fellowship was established in April 2008 by a group of twenty-seven committed Christians.  Though the vision had grown over time, the decision to begin a new ministry followed three weeks of organized discussion and prayer.  In short order, the group adopted a constitution and by-laws and became a non-profit organization in the state of Tennessee.

...the church is directed toward those without
places of worship...

Faith Fellowship relocated three times in its first six months of existence. Initially, the group met in a small, farm house. Within the month, the church moved to a rented facility where it remained for five months. Much work enabled the church to then renovate its current facility and make it usable for ministry opportunities. This leased, commercial space is adjacent to a government housing development in Cookeville, Tennessee.

The ministry of the church is directed toward those without places of worship rather than connected believers worshipping in other groups. Faith Fellowship lays particular emphasis on benevolence and outreach. To these ends, the church is actively involved in community affairs with local agencies, as well as, worldwide evangelistic and educational enterprises.

In its fifth year, Faith Fellowship purchased property within a mile of its location. The parcel is near the center of town and is close proximity to thousands of people. Construction began on this site in the summer of 2019 and will be completed in early 2020.

The new Faith Fellowship rises in an area which has been economically depressed. Cookeville is in renaissance mode, and the church hopes to be part of the beautification process. Faith Fellowship is concerned with quality of life issues in its area including livability and educational needs.

Over time, Faith Fellowship has been blessed financially. Members give sacrificially to church and sponsored needs. Friends of the ministry have supported and encouraged its development. All this is of the Lord, as gifts and service are at His direction.



Sterl Paramore


Sterl Paramore is the funding and current pastor of Faith Fellowship.  Entering the ministry in 1979 and following three years in youth work, he has served as lead pastor in churches for over thirty-six years.  Though church-related work has ever been Paramore’s calling and emphasis, time has provided other opportunities, as well.  For several years, he has facilitated groups related to recovery and life skills in connection with the justice system and conducted individual therapy sessions for mental health concerns.

Sterl is husband to Debi (close by) and father to Brian and Brandon (not so close by).  He holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology from Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, TN and a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible and Pastoral Administration from Welch College in Gallatin, TN.

In addition to its pastor, Faith Fellowship’s leadership includes deacons, trustees and other officers in the execution of ministry.  Members serve in areas of personal giftedness according to opportunity.
